Here is What You Have Been Given

“They’re in love. Fuck the war.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Dallas Museum of Art Dallas, Texas

Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas, Texas

The old couple, carved from the earth like the first man, sit there, decade after decade, while people walk by and stare at them. It’s been going on so long, they are getting pretty sick of it. It shows in their faces.

“There is an hour when you realize: here is what you have been given. More than this, you won’t receive. And what this is, what your life has come to, will be taken from you. In time.”
― Joyce Carol Oates, Wild Nights!: Stories About the Last Days of Poe, Dickinson, Twain, James, and Hemingway

Monster Heads in Little Wooden Boxes

The night before we went down to the Deep Ellum Festival of the Arts, Music, Food, and Bad Tattoos, I pulled a little wad of bills out of a hiding spot and carefully counted. This was what was left of my stash of savings that I had scraped together and held aside for non-essential purchases. I was glad when I found out I had enough to buy another sculpture from an artist that haunts the Deep Ellum Festival, David Pound of

He makes little monster heads in wooden boxes out of sculpey polymer clay and found objects. I’m a big fan. He always brings a big inventory to Dallas and it’s hard to choose only one.

I found his booth right after we arrived and I gave everything a once over, then left to think about my decision. We walked down to the other side of the festival and as we were coming back I could see a huge Texas violent spring thunderstorm rising up on the west side of the gleaming towers of downtown. I knew that time was suddenly short so I walked quickly back down to David’s booth to make up my mind.

They all look so cool. Some have backgrounds I especially like, some have more interesting found objects (I particularly liked one with a roadkill rat’s desiccated hand sticking up from his head – I asked about preservation and David said, “A couple days in the sun and it’s like jerky”) and others have facial expressions I like.

I narrowed it down to two – then picked one named “Burrow.” I liked his earth tones, electronic parts, and snarky expression.


Now “Burrow” sits on a shelf next to his buddy that I bought last year, “Persuasion.”


Last year, for mother’s day, I had David Pound make a pair of earrings for Candy. For the commission, I sent him a photo of our dog, Rusty, and he made her earrings to match.

Earrings I had David Pound make for Candy for Mother's Day last year.

They do look like Rusty

Customers at the Deep Ellum Art Festival looking over David Pound's inventory of little monster heads in boxes.

It's hard to pick only one.

David Pound working on a creation.