Another Metal Fly

A while back, I posted a photo of a bronze fly on one of the sculptures in Pioneer Plaza – a little detail that has always held an odd fascination for me.

Today, waiting for a train at the downtown Plano DART station I took a look at a cool little horse sculpture – sort of a steampunk steed. I was impressed to find that it too was being harassed by flies – two of them, as a matter of fact.

The sculpture, by Tom Askman, is named Iron Horse, in honor of the historical trains that have plied the spot. So I guess these two are Iron Flies.

Well, except that the sculpture, although it is called “Iron Horse” – is actually made of cast bronze. So I guess there are still bronze flies.

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman
Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman
Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman
Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman Plano, Texas

Iron Horse, by Tom Askman
Plano, Texas