A sketch on a 3×5 card

Hey, little girlie in the blue jeans so tight
Drivin’ alone through the Wisconsin night
You’re my last love baby you’re my last chance
Don’t let ’em take me to the Cadillac Ranch

—Bruce Springsteen

I’m cleaning out my office room today and in a jacket pocket I found a little sketch I had done in watercolor pencil on a 3×5 index card.

Cadillac Rancy

A crude little sketch I did in watercolor pencil at the Cadillac Ranch west of Amarillo.

Not much doubt where this was done.

This place always looks cool  – even in Googlemaps.

Some messed-with photographs I took the last time I went by there:

Cadillac Ranch - Old Guys Rule

Old Guys Rule

There are a lot of differnt things painted on the cars. I like the little slogan. They do.
Cadillac Ranch

Cadillac Ranch