Daily Writing Tip 37 of 100, Start Where You Are

For one hundred days, I’m going to post a writing tip each day. I have a whole bookshelf full of writing books and I want to do some reading and increased studying of this valuable resource. This will help me keep track of anything I’ve learned, and help motivate me to keep going. If anyone has a favorite tip of their own to add, contact me. I’d love to put it up here.

Today’s tip – Start Where You Are

Source – From The 90-Day Novel by Alan Watt

Our job as artists is to build a body of work. When we drop our preconceptions about what good writing is and we give ourselves permission to write poorly, everything changes. Permission to write poorly does not produce poor writing, but its opposite. We become a channel for the story that wants to be told through us. Rather than impressing our reader with our important writing, we can impress with our willingness to be truthful on the page.

Killing off the inner editor while writing a first draft is the second hardest thing in writing fiction.

The hardest thing is bringing him back to life when the editing begins – which is the real place where writing takes place.